Badass OG Heat Fletchings
Badass OG Heat Fletchings - Neon Orange / 36 Pack is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
Badass Outdoor Gear Heat Arrow Fletchings
Meet the Badass Outdoor Gear Heat Vanes. Introducing your new best friend for bowhunting and 3D archery – the Badass Outdoor Gear Heat Vanes. These cool and useful arrow vanes are perfect companions for your archery adventures.
Super Light and Tough Design
Discover why the Heat Arrow Vanes are awesome. Designed to be super light and tough, they are perfect for faraway shots, especially beyond 50 yards. These vanes have your back if you're into long-range archery.
Perfect Fit for Smaller Bows
Find out why this arrow vane is just right for smaller bows. No need to worry about interference with your cable guard, rest, or sight – these vanes are made to fit perfectly with today's fancy high-performance bows.
Compatibility with All Bows
The best part? No need to stress about compatibility. These Heat Arrow Fletchings play nice with all kinds of bows, whether you're a pro hunter or enjoy some 3D archery fun. They promise you'll hit your target every time.
Upgraded Archery Game
Take your archery game to a whole new level with the Badass Outdoor Gear Heat Arrow Fletching, where hitting the bullseye is as easy as pie. Get ready for an upgrade that enhances your archery skills and ensures success with these awesome vanes.
Best Vane for:
All purposes 3D, hunting & target
Easy, no prep required to fletch
Lower profile - Super stiff