Know your arrow's kinetic energy using this calculator from Badass Outdoor Gear:
Arrow Kinetic Energy Calculator
The formula for Arrow Kinetic Energy is:
- KE is the Kinetic Energy (in foot-pounds, ft-lbs)
- m is the arrow's mass (in slugs or grains, converted as needed)
- v is the velocity of the arrow (in feet per second, fps) - Note: Velocity is measured using a chronograph or estimated from bow specifications.
Why Measuring Arrow Kinetic Energy is Important:
Measuring your arrow's kinetic energy helps you determine whether your arrows have enough power to humanely and effectively take down your intended game.
Kinetic energy (KE) reflects the arrow's ability to penetrate the animal’s hide, tissue, and bones.
It is especially critical when hunting larger or tougher game, where inadequate KE can result in poor penetration, leading to ineffective shots or prolonged suffering of the animal.
Recommended Arrow Kinetic Energy for Hunting Targets:
1. Small Game (e.g., rabbits, squirrels, birds):
- Recommended KE: 25-30 ft-lbs
Small game requires minimal KE as their hide and bones are thin, making penetration easier.
2. Medium Game (e.g., deer, antelope):
- Recommended KE: 40-50 ft-lbs
Medium-sized animals have thicker hides and more muscle mass, so higher KE ensures clean, ethical kills.
3. Large Game (e.g., elk, black bear, wild boar):
- Recommended KE: 50-65 ft-lbs
These animals have tougher hides and denser bone structures, requiring greater energy for adequate penetration.
4. Extra-Large Game (e.g., moose, grizzly bear, bison):
- Recommended KE: 65+ ft-lbs
The toughest game demands maximum KE to penetrate deep enough for a quick and humane kill.
By aligning arrow KE with the target species, hunters can ensure ethical practices and successful hunts.